Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Triwizard Tournament

This was a big part of camp because we stretched it out over both weeks. Also we called it the "House Tournament" with one champion from each House and one assistant from each house. For each task though we tried to make sure there was some participation from everyone so that the non-champions weren't just sitting out. Also, kids got to choose whether they wanted to put their names in the Goblet of Fire, so some of the youngest kids didn't.

The dragons are people dressed up or people with pictures of dragons taped to broom handles.
They are guarding a next of eggs at the far end of the yard, and the champions have to retrieve one of the eggs. 
The champions are each given a spoon and several objects (see below) and 3-5 minutes to come up with a solution with their teams in order to get past the dragon.
The twist-you're not allowed to use any body parts (hand, feet, arms) to get the objects to the dragon nest. (the obvious solution is to carry the object with the spoon)
Item 1: Feather (to tickle the dragon and thus distract it from the eggs)
Item 2: Plain egg (to trick the dragon by substituting eggs)
Item 3: A small but wide book (to whack the dragon and knock it out/ distract it)

After they successfully get their eggs, the teams take two towels or blankets and have to toss the egg between the blankets in order to get back to where they started.
If there are enough people, they can work with 2 blankets per team and race, or they have to work together, with one blanket per team, passing back and forth.
The dragon tries to distract them and grab the egg back while they are passing it.
If the egg breaks, they have to go back to the nest and start over with a new egg.

Once the task is over, the real dragon egg is taken and the teams are given a hollow plastic egg with a clue inside about the nature of the next task:

"Above, below, so far or quite near?
We've taken something you hold dear."


Essentially an individual treasure hunt for their stuffed animals, but with some cool clues. The stuffed pets of the champions and there assistants are taken and hidden before camp, and when the task starts, each of the 4 kids is given their first clue. Campers who are not champions or assistants can help whoever they want with their clues.

Clue 1: Your future lies in the stars
where you study tea leaves and Mars.
Scurry quickly up the stair,
but only if you dare.

This leads upstairs to the divination/astronomy room, where their clue is written with invisible ink. They must use the blacklight in this room in order to read it.

Clue 2: A doorway that does not have a door,
but it leads to magic and so much more.
Look between nine and ten,
catch the train, we'll see you then!

This leads to the front porch, Platform 9 3/4, and there they have to get their next clue by hitting a target with a water balloon, which will cause the clue to drop to a reachable level.

Clue 3: This clue, so necessary to your route,
is found where you can climb about.
On the other side of where cars park,
this clue is hidden among stones and bark.

This leads to the rock wall on the side of the garage, which they will have to climb in order to reach their next clue. Someone on the roof of the garage is spraying them with water as they climb.

Clue 4: Your hope will sprout
for your friend to be out.
 Search where seeds are sown
and beautiful plants are grown

This leads to the garden, and nearby will be a kiddie pool transformed into a pond (concept from here: http://llemonade.com/sample%20party.html . The clues will be in capsules in the pond, and they have to fish them out.

Clue 5: This holds the potential to fly,
but be quick or your friend may DIE!
This shed is smaller than Hagrid's Hut;
if you don’t get this clue, you'll be in a rut.

This leads to the playhouse where we store the brooms and Quidditch supplies. Hanging in the tree next to it will be buckets full of water and each kid's clue. They either have to pull a rope to dump the clue and water, or try to get the bucket down using a broom.

Clue 6: This is the place where spells are cast,
and you are taught about the past.
Buried deep in the ground
your next clue will be found.

This leads to the basement, which is the spellwork and history classroom, and there they will find a clue written in Ancient Runes, which they must translate using the alphabet given to them.

Final Clue: High above the ground outside
is the place your friend will hide.
Climb a ladder that's outdoors,
but do not take what isn't yours.

This is the clue each student will receive at the sixth location they visit, and will lead them to the top of the swing set, which is where their stuffed pet will be.

A friendly acromantula has created a maze of yarn like this: Take entire rolls of yarn in different colors (one for each team) and tie a popsicle stick onto the end of each roll. One at a time, unravel the rolls while walking (preferably outside), leaving all of the popsicle stick ends in the same location as the starting point  around trees, under steps, etc… until the roll is finished. Have all of the teams start at the same time and follow their strings. If you made the strings overlap at points, it will be interesting to watch the teams untangle themselves. From http://fullblastbirthdays.com/550/awesome-activity-ideas-for-a-harry-potter-themed-birthday-party/
Each champion and assistant must follow a colored trail of yarn until the end, where the Triwizard Cup is. Several challenges are faced along the way, and they get one helpful hint from the counselors if they can't get past a monster.
Note: it's hard to make sure all the strings are the same length, so to make it more fair, the kids get to choose what color they want to follow in the order they finished the previous task, so the winner last time gets first pick of yarn color (kind of like how the person in first place in the Triwizard Tournament got to have a head start into the maze in the books). That way if they end up with a longer or more tangle-y string they can't blame us.

Challenges: Sphynx--answer the riddle to pass
Kappa--trick it into bowing
Yeti-- repelled by fire
Hippogriff--must be approached cautiously and with a bow

Another note: these monsters and how to beat them was focused on in the Care of Magical Creatures lesson so that they would know. The kids were pretty good at remembering!

The first person to get to the Cup won the House Cup for their team!

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